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Writer's pictureWindy Sloniger

Just Random Thoughts...

So I finally broke down and bought Dragon Anywhere for my phone. I already have Dragon Naturally Speaking for my PC. Even though I have speech challenges, this software understand me so much better and it is easier than typing. It is very good for my speech as well, because I have to slow down and articulate, if I want it to be correct first time anyway! I have feeling that this though it is good for me, it will be a pain for you as you will be likely to see more of my thoughts raw and in the early stages, ha ha. Well the learning curve is rough, so we'll see how it goes.

Today was great, my walking is getting so much better! I have been walking with walking poles, Paula’s idea, to give me the support outside of the house where and when I need it. They are less cumbersome, although also less supportive, than the walker. I have much more freedom just holding on to a couple of sticks. On good days they work great, on not so good days… Nothing works anyway.

I had pretty violent dyskinesia late this afternoon, so I spent the time with Shaun T. He is my favorite trainer in Beachbody On Demand, I did the T25 Lower Focus. Exercise seems to be the only thing that helps when I am jumpy.

At least is good for me!

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